Women in Packaging

Women in Packaging, an organization to connect, support and recognize female employees in the UK packaging industry, has reported an ‘overwhelming’ response to its recent launch, with 250 names already in its database and a number of companies already signed up to support future activities and events.
Women in Packaging has been founded by two long serving women from the UK packaging industry, Joanna Stephenson and Debbie Waldron Hoines, and was launched at the Packaging Innovations event in Birmingham at the end of February.
A number of leading UK packaging and retail companies and industry associations have pledged their support to Women in Packaging, and Waldron Hoines said: ‘Over 50 people attended the launch which was kindly hosted by Parkside and we have over 250 names in our database now for further communication. The response has really been overwhelming.’
‘We also did a LearnShop presentation at the Packaging Innovations exhibition,’ added Stephenson, ‘and from that a number of managing directors approached us to learn more and offer their support.
‘We will be initially hosting networking events in the North, Midlands and South to enable employees, both male and female, to get together in a social environment with a keynote speaker. In the not too distant future we then hope to move forward on our plans to deliver an online mentoring system and awards program.’
Food Processing