Several of the UK’s representative bodies for the waste and resource management sector have joined forces to express their common positions in response to the UK Government’s recent EU Balance of Competences Review.
A joint statement from the five bodies (ADBA, CIWM, ESA, REA, Resource Association) has been issued as follows:
“In sharing our separate responses to the Government’s consultation, it is clear that there are strong common positions and concerns about the role of the EU that are shared across the industry. We are clear that the overall impact of EU waste legislation has benefited the UK and that we want the UK to maintain a strong role in influencing EU waste and resources policy.”
“We agree that much more needs to be done to level the playing field of implementation of EU legislation, especially on delivering common standards for reporting and clarity on definitions and targets to make cross-EU comparisons more meaningful.”
“Undoubtedly EU waste legislation has been a force for good for the UK industry, with the Landfill Directive a prime example of how EU legislation has driven policy forward and transformed our resource recovery industry in the last decade. We doubt that successive UK Governments would have managed this alone.”
“We want our engagement with the EU to be embedded and constructive, and respecting the principle of subsidiarity we believe that the UK should continue to embrace this approach – continued involvement in EU policy is good for the waste and resources industry.”
A summary of the five organisations’ shared positions on the EU Balance of Competences Review is published today alongside this statement.