

The Global Pulse Confederation Develops New Mark to Label Pulse Products

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The Global Pulse Confederation Develops New Mark to Label Pulse Products

July 13
11:22 2016
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gpcThe Global Pulse Confederation has launched two new symbols on product labels, expected to assist customers to distinguish food products that include pulses such as dry peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas.

The Pulse brand and Made with Pulses seal are distinctive green and gold marks available to food manufacturers and consumer packaged goods companies in the retail and foodservice channels to use on their products and in marketing material. So long as a product contains pulses in the top five ingredients by weight, and a minimum of 5% of the final formulation, they will become eligible to apply to use the Made with Pulses seal.

Consumer interest in pulses is growing, in part, because food companies and consumers are looking for affordable food options that are healthy, nutritious, and environmentally sustainable, the Global Pulse Confederation claimed.

The fact that pulses are high in protein and add nutritional value when incorporated into food products, pulse ingredients are nutrient-dense and deliver high levels of fibre, and that pulse production has a lesser environmental burden and greater water efficiency rate than other crops adds to their appeal, the association added.

Several global companies are said to have already shown as “strong interest” in the new ‘Made with Pulses’ seal, and companies that have already signed on to use the Pulse Brand include Princes Food and Drink Group, JM Grain, and AGT Food and Ingredients.

“The Made with Pulses seal gives companies the unique opportunity to tie their products to the momentum pulses are gaining as healthy, nutritious and sustainable ingredients that fit with today’s lifestyle and taste preferences,” said Daria Lukie, Pulse brand manager for the Global Pulse Confederation. “The Pulse brand provides shoppers with an easy way to identify products that are good for people and good for the planet.”

The Global Pulse Confederation (GPC) is head-quartered in Dubai. The company has a small staff witrhin the Dubai office and an Executive Director currently located in Australia. The GPC Executive Board has nearly 30 members from all over the world that are volunteers, working for non-profit.

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