Sales and Profits Rise at Meadow Foods

Meadow Foods, the UK’s largest independent dairy and a leading supplier of milk and dairy ingredients to the food industry, increased operating profit by 15.6% to £11.2 million and turnover by 23% to £420.7 million for year to March 31, 2014.
Having originated as a small dairy trading firm, Meadow Foods has through organic growth and strategic acquisitions developed into a major dairy ingredients manufacturer. Operating three factories, located in Cheshire, Yorkshire and Peterborough, as well as a sales office in Oxfordshire, Meadow Foods manufactures a full range of dairy ingredients including butters, fresh creams and milks, cultured and sweetened products for some of the world’s leading food manufacturers. The company’s three processing sites supply over 100,000 tonnes of dairy ingredients every year.
Meadow Foods has recently announced that it plans to invest £1.8 million to expand its Cheshire headquarters which will enable it to manufacture and store skim and blended concentrated milks.