Roberts PolyPro Enhances Packaging Performance
Roberts PolyPro manufactures and designs innovative plastic components that enhance packaging performance. The world’s largest consumer companies depend on Roberts PolyPro solutions to improve their packaging and make their products more appealing to consumers.
Roberts PolyPro’s wide variety of innovative handles fit bottles of all shapes and sizes in any configuration. No matter if you have a single bottle or a multipack, Roberts PolyPro’s handles make it easier to pick up one or many of your products.
Roberts PolyPro’s lightweight, compact handles and multi-pack carriers also support sustainability efforts by reducing material consumption and improving cube utilization. Roberts PolyPro’s extruded handles and multi-pack carriers consume on average 5 to 35 percent less resin compared to injection molded products. Roberts PolyPro products are made from extruded HDPE resin and when used with either PET or HDPE bottles make the entire package — bottles and handle — 100 percent recyclable.
Roberts PolyPro orients multipack handles before shipment and in the case of single bottle handles uses a patented process of welding the handles together prior to shipment. On average, this process results in up to 40% more handles per pallet than loose handles shipped in bulk. The increase in units per pallet significantly decreases shipping costs, improves cube utilization, reduces the amount of corrugated board required, and lowers over-the-road fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
For more information on Roberts PolyPro’s innovative handles call 1-704-588-1794 or email