Professionals in online auctions for the food and beverage industry
Online auction machinery and inventory
Köningsbauer - KÖPA-Fleischwaren Gmbh in Passau (DE)

Viewing days:
13th of February
From 09:00 till 17:00h
14th of February

From 08:00 till 12:00h
Closing auction:

20th of February
From 14:00h
Seydelmann grinder
Tiromat thermoformer
Seydelmann cutter
Inauen packaging line
Stephan micro cutter
Nieros deboning table
Treif dicer
Mercedes-Benz truck
Rühle vacuum tumbler
Laska frozen block cutter
Günther injector
Korimat autoclave
Kohlhoff hygiene station
200 E2-crates
6 Meat bins
Linde pallet lifter
Treif slicer
Poly-Clip double clipper
Günther vacuum tumbler
Handtmann vacuum filler