New Whey Ingredient Slows Age-related Muscle Decline

Arla Foods Ingredients has launched a new whey protein ingredient which is clinically proven to counteract age-related muscle mass decline. Lacprodan® HYDRO.Rebuild is a 100% hydrolysed whey protein. It offers highly accessible content of branched-chain amino acids and essential amino acids such as leucine, which are important for muscle synthesis in seniors.
In three separate clinical trials on resistance-trained older women, Lacprodan® HYDRO.Rebuild has been shown to offer significant improvements to muscle mass, strength and mobility. Other documented benefits include a slimmer waist and reduced body fat.1,2,3
Population aging is particularly rapid in the Asia-Pacific region, where the UN predicts that one in four people will be over 60 by 2050.4 The demand for nutrition solutions to meet their health needs is also growing. The number of new senior nutrition products containing whey ingredients grew by a CAGR of 80% in Asia between 2015 and 2019.5
Laima Liepinyte, Business Development Manager, Asia at Arla Foods Ingredients, says: “Thanks to advances in medical technology, people are living longer than ever before. However, age brings many changes to health, one of which is a natural decline in skeletal muscle mass and function. This can have a devastating effect on mobility and quality of life but whey protein, in combination with exercise, can help slow the decline.”
She adds: “The number of health-conscious seniors is skyrocketing, particularly in Asia, and they are looking for nutrition solutions that will help them live stronger, healthier, more active lives. Offering the full benefits of whey protein, which is superior to other protein sources for muscle synthesis in older people, Lacprodan® HYDRO.Rebuild is a clinically proven solution.”
Derived from grass-fed cows and made in Denmark, Lacprodan® HYDRO.Rebuild is low-fat, Halal and Kosher. On-pack benefits in China include high-in-protein, low-in-lactose, sugar-free and easy-to-dissolve. With a pleasant taste, it is ideal for powder applications.
Arla Foods Ingredients has been expanding its presence in the APAC region. As part of its commitment to Chinese markets, it has launched a new version of its website in Mandarin.
1 Junior PS, Ribeiro AS, Nabuco HCG, et al. Effects of Whey Protein Supplementation Associated With Resistance Training on Muscular Strength, Hypertrophy and Muscle Quality in Pre-Conditioned Older Women. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2017;(January):1-27. doi:10.1123/ijsnem.2017-0253.
2 Nabuco HCG, Tomeleri CM, Sugihara Junior P, et al. Effects of whey protein supplementation pre- or post-resistance training on muscle mass, muscular strength, and functional capacity in pre-conditioned older women: A randomized clinical trial. Nutrients. 2018;10(5):1-14. doi:10.3390/nu10050563.
3Silva AM, Barbosa DS, Fernandes RR, et al. Effects of Protein Intake Beyond HabitualIntakes Associated With Resistance Training on Metabolic Syndrome-Related Parameters, Isokinetic Strength and Body Composition in Older Women. J Aging Phys Act. 2019:1-25. doi:10.1123/japa.2018-0370.
4United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA (Asia & The Pacific)
5 Innova Market Insights, 2020