

New Powdered Version of ΩMegaSweet® Launched

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New Powdered Version of ΩMegaSweet® Launched

New Powdered Version of ΩMegaSweet® Launched
June 15
10:03 2017
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Earlier in 2017, Omega Ingredients announced the launch of their revolutionary liquid natural sugar alternative, ΩMegaSweet®, which resulted in calls from the largest drinks companies around the world and record sales. Following this success, their next innovation is a powdered version, a 100% natural, calorie-free flavour system that can be used in dry food as well as beverages. ΩMegaSweet® allows for unprecedented genuine ‘mouth-feel’ and the indulgent taste of sugar with zero after-taste, a result that is impossible to achieve through the use of traditional sugar alternatives.

Aimed at companies looking to reduce high sugar content in products ahead of the Sugar Tax implementation in 2018, ΩMegaSweet® offers an individually tailored solution for products across the food chain, including those notoriously high in sugar such as beverages, ice cream, breakfast cereals, tomato sauce, baked beans, biscuits and cakes. In some test cases, transforming the product using ΩMegaSweet® showed a 30% reduction in the sugar content of the product, with beverages reaching up to 50% less sugar.

Co-founder of Omega Ingredients and top biochemist Steve Pearce says: “Since launching the liquid ΩMegaSweet®, earlier this year, we have been thrilled with the response from customers old and new.This newly developed powdered version moves the science of ΩMegaSweet® one step further; as a powder, ΩMegaSweet® can be applied to all kinds of foods, including some of the key product categories highlighted by the government in the PHE report from March this year. ΩMegaSweet® offers brands a radical solution to the global issue of sugar reduction. Usually, when you replace natural sugars with artificial sweeteners, you don’t just lose the calories, you also sacrifice the familiar ‘mouth-feel’ of products, as well as the taste sensation created by the Maillard reaction. This is something alleviated with ΩMegaSweet®.

“With other sweeteners, natural and unnatural, the end flavour result often leaves a bitter or even astringent after-taste, meaning products no longer resemble items the nation know and love. That’s why we have designed ΩMegaSweet® – to combat the challenges faced by the food manufacture industry ahead of the sugar tax.”

ΩMegaSweet® also gives manufacturers the advantage of clean labeling the ingredients declaration as ‘Natural Flavouring’, rather than as an artificial sweetener. As well as delivering on mouth-feel, it can also be used to boost the flavour profile of the finished product and tailored to carry notes such as citrus, cola or any botanical blend the client requires.

The development follows March’s PHE report, which featured new guidelines for the recommended sugar limits of nine food groups such as confectionery, cakes, ice creams, yoghurts and peanut butter. The report outlines the Government’s 20% total sugar reduction target, which companies will have to reach by 2020. Companies will also have to demonstrate a 5% sugar reduction across the nine categories by the end of 2018.

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