

New Develpoment to Transform Waste into Food Powders

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New Develpoment to Transform Waste into Food Powders

July 05
15:21 2016
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untitledThe American-based NewfoodZ has developed a new development which will permit food and drink companies and agricultural operators to remove food by-product waste by changing it back into healthful powders for a large range of industry applications.

The method to shift waste back into food mixes low-energy dehydration and the soft milling of the product, and gives manufacturers entry to the circular economy, NewfoodZ said.

The company will release a crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo to raise $1.5 million in support of the project – the greatest amount ever asked from the crowdfunding food community.

Founder Christian J Murray said: “I joined the company as I knew the day would come when we would critically need efficient food processing the world over. When I first witnessed the technologies we now offer I gave up my media career to go full-time into eco-sustainability. Getting public support to grow will help us take the message to governments and Fortune 100 companies, further reinforcing the commitments to the UN Sustainable Development Goals of 2015.”

NewfoodZ has proposed a proof of concept plant, processing orange peel in Mexico. The company plans to expand to Alaska, where they will process wild salmon and shrimp by-products. The NewfoodZ process not only provides 100% use of source food but actually provides potable water as a by-product too.

NewfoodZ’s Eric Lundgren stated: “So far, we humans have been successful, growing and catching foods for an ever-increasing population, but our resources are depleting fast. We can no longer allow up to 40% of everything we grow and catch to go to waste. We need to convert this waste to abundance.”

Lundgren added that customers must begin to ask themselves what happens to discarded food such as fish bones when they buy them in the market.

The company has tested more than 50 products and also functions as a knowledge base transfer operation in an attempt to supply shared best practice, which will have an result on lessening malnutrition and starvation.

The NewfoodZ company is dedicated to producing nutritional and healthy foods from industrial food waste by using a new low-energy method. The company currently holds the record for the largest amount asked for a crowdfunding campaign in the food community.

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