New Décor Salt Convinces With a Crunchy Bite and High Stability

When it comes to pretzels or salt sticks, the visual contrast between a dark crust and a rich salt décor is a mark of quality for most consumers. New Slow Milling® Pretzel Salt Light SG from GoodMills Innovation enables salt reduction in pretzel décor without the consumer noticing any visible difference. At the same time, the pretzel salt is water stable and therefore ideal for frozen bake-off products as it does not cause unsightly burn marks when defrosted and baked.
While salt reduction in baked goods is currently an important topic, salt used for decorative purposes is a tricky issue. With pretzels, salt sticks and similar products, consumers view a lavish salt topping as proof of quality, even if they often strip it off before consumption to avoid an overwhelmingly salty taste. Slow Milling® Pretzel Salt Light SG allows bakers to achieve this rich decorative effect with up to 75 percent less salt in the décor and 50 percent less in the product as a whole. Baked goods take on a mild salty taste, while maintaining the typical crispness and the indulgent mouthfeel of conventional pretzel salt.
Salt reduction with optimal appearance and efficiency
The new pretzel salt scores particularly high when used on frozen bake-off products. With regular salt, the crystals would dissolve during the defrosting process and produce unsightly burn marks. To avoid this, frozen products are usually delivered without salt décor, which subsequently has to be sprinkled on by hand before baking. For bakeries with in-store ovens, this is especially time-consuming.
With Slow Milling® Pretzel Salt Light SG, however, the single salt grains are blended with rice flour to reduce the overall salt content of the product, and then coated with a natural substance for stability. Since the GoodMills Innovation pretzel salt is not water-soluble, it remains stable, even when defrosted and baked.
Besides its technological and taste advantages, Slow Milling® Pretzel Salt Light SG also brings nutritional benefits: The German Society for Nutrition (DGE), for instance, recommends a maximum daily intake of 2.4 g of salt. However, the actual consumption of salt in Germany is about 9 g per day, of which 24 percent comes from bread. This makes baked goods the largest source of daily salt consumption.
Improving adhesive properties in décor: GECKO® Ultra
The good adhesion properties of Slow Milling® Pretzel Salt Light SG can be improved even further when it is used in combination with GECKO® Ultra. This innovative adhesive is suitable for use with salt décor as well as with seeds, which are notoriously hard to fix to baked goods. Customers benefit from bakery products with a rich décor, while bakers can cut their production costs by having less waste and lower cleaning bills. GECKO® Ultra is based on wheat flour that is only physically processed.