Nescafé Coffee Centre Opens in China

Nestlé has opened a new Nescafé Coffee Centre for research and development in the city of Puer, Yunnan China. Working with the College of Tropical Crops at Yunnan Agricultural University, the centre will provide training opportunities to farmers, agronomists and industry professionals.
It will also be home to a green coffee bean laboratory, and provide coffee processing facilities. We have been working in Yunnan since 1988. As part of Nestlé’s Creating Shared Value commitment to rural development and responsible sourcing the company has provided field management and processing training to almost 15,000 farmers so far.
NCC, which covers an area of 30,000 square meters, has two parts. One is the training center and green coffee bean laboratory to provide exchange and training opportunities to farmers, agronomists and industry professionals; the second is the quality control lab and warehousing facility. With continuously growing coffee output, NCC will provide processing facilities to ensure coffee bean purchasing, and set purchasing and testing criteria based on international standard. “Nestlé is committed to developing coffee farming in Puer, Yunnan, and has reached remarkable achievements and created shared value by working with local government and farmers over the past three decades,” says John Cheung, Chairman and CEO of Nestlé China. “NCC integrates training, technical support, lab and modern warehousing, and thus promotes the effort for win-win result to a higher level. It builds us a larger platform for cooperation, exchange and sharing with research institutions and the whole industry.”