Lovemore Secures Morrisons Deal Accentuating the Acceleration of Gluten Free Foods

The company behind Lovemore Free From Foods, Welsh Hills Bakery, has secured a contract with Morrisons to supply its gluten and dairy free products to up to 486 stores across the UK in a deal potentially worth £250,000 for Welsh Hills.
During February 2016 Morrisons will begin stocking Lovemore’s range of cakes and biscuits which include Gluten Free Apple Pies, Gluten Free Gingerbread Men, Gluten Free Mince Pies and Gluten Free Rich Fruit Cake with Port and Brandy.
This latest news comes after a string of new contracts for family-run Welsh Hills Bakery – which is this year celebrating its 60th year – including the NHS and Ocado. The company also supplies numerous major retailers across the globe including America, Australia, the Middle East, Scandinavia, France and Germany.
The total free from food market in the UK, including gluten, wheat and dairy, is currently worth £365 million and is predicted to grow by 50% by 2019. The gluten-free cakes and desserts market specifically had an estimated value of £234 million in 2015. Leading the way in the flourishing free from desserts sector, Welsh Hills represents 12% of the market.
Welsh Hills Bakery developed the popular range of Lovemore products in 2008 after becoming the first company to supply two of the largest supermarkets with own brand gluten free products for seven years previously. After significant investment, the company now boasts one of the only world class dedicated gluten, dairy and wheat free production facilities in the country.
The complete Lovemore range includes shortbreads, cookies, pies, tarts and slices which, with dedicated new product development and onsite testing facilities, are produced to taste exactly like the ‘real thing’.
Key Account Manager for Welsh Hills Bakery, Julian Cruttenden, says: “With food intolerances increasing, so too will the demand for free from foods. More than one in three people in the UK admit to giving up gluten, which accentuates not just the need for gluten free food for those with specific dietary requirements, but also the appeal of a more wholesome and healthier alternative.”
Welsh Hills Bakery employs 70 staff and supplies in excess of 80 product lines around the world.