

LCI Extends Fiber Range With Westhove Wheat Bran Ultra Fine

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LCI Extends Fiber Range With Westhove Wheat Bran Ultra Fine

February 19
12:55 2013
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“The benefits of westhove wheat bran ultra fine are substantial,” explains Dr Walter Lopez, nutritionist at LCI. “It gives improved water and fat absorption capacity through the presence of fibres, hydrothermal properties and a fine milling process.

“It is neutral in colour, taste and texture for maximum incorporation of fibres in formulations. Bitterness is decreased by the hydrothermal treatment and there is a low impact in texture thanks to the ultra fine particles.

“The ingredient is stable and consistent in use, with enzymes completely inactivated, microbiological charge drastically reduced, and rancidity processes stopped.”

Dr Lopez comments that, in nutritional terms, the ingredient is a natural source of total dietary fibre with a TDF of less that 35% and a decreased calorie content. For example, 1g fibre is just 2 kcal while 1g fat is 9 kcal. Also, westhove wheat bran brings health claims in that ‘… wheat bran fibre contributes to an acceleration of intestinal transit …’ (source: Regulation EC no 432/2012, May 2012).

Looking at the uses of the wheat bran for customers, westhove wheat bran can be used in a wide range of products – including bakery products, biscuits and crackers – as a source of natural wheat fibres – and when a low visual impact is desired.

It can also be used in extruded snacks and breakfast cereals to reduce breakage and to improve the structure by creating fine pores and acting as a nucleating agent.

And in meat products – both food and petfood – it gives Improved yields by binding water and fat in wet products, improved texture in meat-like products, and reduced breakage in dry/fragile products.

Lastly, westhove wheat bran ultra fine can be added to beverages and dairy products as source of ‘invisible wheat bran fibres’ when a smooth texture is desired.

“In summary, this is a versatile and natural ingredient with a wide range products where its functionality will bring benefits. These include bakery, snacks and breakfast cereals, meat products, as well as beverages and dairy products,” adds Dr Lopez.

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