

KM Packaging relaunches Superguard Oven films

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KM Packaging relaunches Superguard Oven films

August 08
14:33 2016
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Superguard Oven filmsKM Packaging Services Ltd has relaunched its range of Superguard Oven films with new features and benefits for food manufacturers across the world.

Calling on its extensive technical expertise in lidding solutions for trays, KM Packaging originally developed Superguard Oven – a cost-effective alternative to premade CPET or Aluminium ovenable trays – in response to the growing demand for home cooked-style ready meals which combine quality ingredients with convenience and minimal preparation. The pouch has since proven its credentials by meeting customer and retailer demands across multiple applications.

With a new, deeper draw, the relaunched films are designed for use on Thermoforming machines (base web and top web seals), enabling food manufacturers to easily seal whole meal and portion controlled meat, fish and sauce based products into a pouch suitable for conventional ovens.

The Superguard Oven range includes base web ovenable films for thermoforming, and top web films that are available in metallised or transparent versions. Products can go straight from the chiller cabinet or freezer to oven and will also safely self-vent steam during cooking without the need to puncture the film. Foods are protected from consumer handling helping to negate the risk of any contamination during retail and preparation.

The Superguard oven pouch is credited with speeding up preparation and cooking times, reducing cooking odours and also retaining moisture in the products as they cook. Where meats and fish are packed with sauces the Superguard oven pouch will also effectively allow the contents to marinate while packed and during cooking. Coupled with simple clean preparation, reduced cooking times and clear, attractive packaging that can be printed with ovenable inks, the range is ideal to appeal to time-pressed consumers.

With no tray the total pack weight is considerably lighter offering excellent environmental benefits. Merchandising of the pouch is also afforded more flexibility than traditional trays with options to stack upright, or hang from a header card or half-sleeve.

Graham Holding, KM Packaging Services commercial director, explained: “KM’s Superguard Oven range has now been proven across multiple applications, providing an original, innovative solution to packaging, retailing and of course cooking meat, fish and sauce-based foodstuffs in a way that appeals to all stages of the processing and purchasing chain. KM Packaging is committed to continuous product development and we have made every effort to enhance the features of the Superguard Oven range, offering even greater functionality and benefits to manufacturers, retailers and consumers alike.

“The first time around, we challenged the industry with a completely new product which provided even greater consumer choice in the sophisticated convenience market. This time, we have used our extensive experience with lidding and pouch films to enhance the range and ensure that it stays ahead of the competition in terms of strength, flexibility and consumer appeal.”

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