

High Energy Losses in Cold Stores are a Thing of the Past

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High Energy Losses in Cold Stores are a Thing of the Past

High Energy Losses in Cold Stores are a Thing of the Past
August 27
09:55 2013
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It is a world premiere, it revolutionizes door technology in cold stores and sits at the top of deep-freeze doors with an extremely low heat transfer – the EFA-TK-100 featuring EFA-AFM. With the development of this product Efaflex has designed a high-speed door that sets new standards for equipping deep-freeze areas in cold stores.

In the light of climate change and rising raw material prices, there is a growing trend towards developing low-energy products and equipment to improve the energy balance of companies. With a heat transfer of down to 0.74W/m²K at dimensions 3000 x 3180mm, this low-energy door from industrial high-speed doors specialist Efaflex achieves more than any other deep-freeze door has achieved so far. A dynamic door blade and AFM spiral track (Active Framework Mechanism) ensures the door blade remains pushed against a seal around the door frame when closed, and thereby seals off the deep-freeze area practically hermetically.

Unlike other high-speed spiral doors, the spiral box of the EFA-TK-100 featuring EFA-AFM is mounted on the outer, warm side of the door. This protects it against increased wear due to cold. Unlike EFA-ISO-K, contact surface heaters are employed, installed in the seal strips around the frame, the lath seals and the contact edge strip, heating the contact surfaces to the door blade, the floor and the individual laths of the door blade. High-speed doors between deep-freeze areas down to -30°C and areas at 0°C must be especially well insulated and tight.

The excellent insulation of the EFA-TK-100 featuring EFA-AFM is achieved for the first time using 100 mm-thick EFA-THERM laths. The laths are individually fixed to the hinge chains. Accordingly, the laths exert no force since the rollers only need to bear single laths. This ensures a long life of the motors and makes the laths individually changeable.

The TLG infrared door light grid, a worldwide unique and fully self-monitoring safety system, can be integrated into the new Efaflex deep-freeze door. Even more features can be easily integrated for greater safety, such as approach area surveillance, laser scanners and an additional external light grid.

The EFA-TK-100 makes its UK debut at Temperature Controlled Storage & Distribution (TCS & D) exhibition in Peterborough on the 18 – 19th September.

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