

Harmonised Standards Vital to Dairy’s Continued Global Success

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Harmonised Standards Vital to Dairy’s Continued Global Success

Harmonised Standards Vital to Dairy’s Continued Global Success
May 14
10:04 2018
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The global dairy sector must continue its efforts to harmonise methods of analysis and sampling for milk and milk products if trade in dairy products is to continue to thrive, delegates at the recent International Dairy Federation (IDF)/Organisation for International Standardisation (ISO) Analytical Week in Dublin, Ireland, were told.

Speaking at the Analytical Symposium during the week-long event, Dr Jaap Evers, IDF Leader Global Standards, explained the historical backdrop and continued importance of harmonising methods of analysis and sampling for milk and milk products. He said: “Over the past two centuries, we have witnessed the birth of, and continual rise in, globalised trade and transportation of milk and milk products across vast distances which shows no signs of slowing down. This created an urgent need for internationally harmonised methods of analysis and sampling to facilitate this trade.

“Indeed, much of today s international trade involving milk and milk products is underpinned by harmonised analytical standards. The global dairy sector can take great pride in this achievement, but it cannot rest on its laurels. To ensure the continued success of dairy worldwide, key challenges must be overcome. These include the need to expand and promote collaboration between international standards development organisations, the development of parameters for new production technologies of milk and milk products, and enhanced communication to both internal and external stakeholders. It is crucial that we strive towards greater global harmonisation of analytical methods to ensure the world can continue to enjoy safe, sustainable and nutritious dairy produce.”

Caroline Emond, Director General of the IDF, said: “The IDF is a world leader when it comes to proactively contributing to the development of science-based globally harmonised standards, guidelines, codes of practice and related methodologies. Events such as the IDF/ISO Analytical Week are an integral part of the IDF s work programme and provide a unique opportunity for stakeholders to observe and engage with IDF experts and other world leading standards organisations. I am proud of the IDF s key role in the development of global standards and the role we play in laying the foundations for dairy s future success.”

The event was organized by the Irish National Committee of IDF, under the auspices of IDF and ISO, and was attended by more than 160 delegates from 22 countries, as well as representatives of other Standards development organisations such as ISO, AOAC, ICAR and USP.

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