Guinness Effluent Screening

When Diageo envisaged a major expansion of their St James’s Gate brewery one of the key bottlenecks was the effluent treatment screens.
The existing Run down screens towered above the yard and were completely open creating a bad image and a potential odour problem. The resultant screenings were wet and the volume for disposal was high due to the water content.
Working with Diageo and RWE, Huber Technology trialled a Strainpress® fitted with a 2mm basket and found that the unit performed well giving a very dry cake.
After successful trials 4 units were ordered and a layout was drawn up for 4 Strainpress® units to be installed without disrupting the existing equipment so that production was not interrupted until the Strainpress® units were commissioned.
Huber were involved in the design, pumping calculations and conveying to skips of the screenings.
The Strainpress ® is totally enclosed and works under pressure so the height of the plant could be reduced using the existing pumps to transfer the effluent from the effluent sump up to the primary settlement tanks above ground without intermediate pumping. A suspended screw conveyor under the gantry is used to transfer the screenings into 1 of 2 skips and this set the gantry height. The screenings are now completely enclosed and weather tight.
The plant has now been operating satisfactorily for 6 months meeting the client’s requirements for solids removal, BOD removal, odour tight operation and reduction in volume and costs of screenings disposal due to the reduction in water content.
Huber are proud to have met the needs of such a prestigious world renowned client.
For further information please visit or contact T. Clutten on or 07525224521.