

FoodCloud secures Enterprise Ireland R&D support to accelerate the impact of food redistribution and cut food waste at scale

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FoodCloud secures Enterprise Ireland R&D support to accelerate the impact of food redistribution and cut food waste at scale

FoodCloud secures Enterprise Ireland R&D support to accelerate the impact of food redistribution and cut food waste at scale
October 04
10:52 2023
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FoodCloud, a tech-based social enterprise which redistributes food which would otherwise end up as waste, has been awarded more than €500,000 research and development (R&D) funding from Enterprise Ireland’s Agile Innovation Fund to further develop its innovative food redistribution platform, Foodiverse. FoodCloud will use this funding to drive its target of an additional 15% increase in food rescued and an additional 8.25 million meals per annum by 2025. The funding supports 14 jobs at FoodCloud.

Founded in 2013, FoodCloud’s tech platform connects retailers, food businesses and restaurants (including Aldi, Booker UK, Dunnes Stores, KFC, Lidl, Nandos, Tesco and Waitrose) that have surplus to food banks, community groups and charities that can use that food.

FoodCloud is working to reduce emissions across 5 markets in Ireland, Europe, and Africa, and is at the forefront of the circular economy in food systems in Ireland and globally. EI’s funding will strengthen FoodCloud’s core technology as the charity begins to deliver its solution in additional markets.

Enterprise Ireland’s R&D funding will enable FoodCloud to further develop its platform, Foodiverse, to maintain and grow its position as a leading tool for ESG reporting for new and existing domestic and international partners across all types for food business – retail, food service, primary processing, manufacturing and at farm level.

Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Simon Coveney, TD, said: “Reducing food loss and food waste is a key step in fighting climate change and in Ireland’s transition to a circular economy. The excellent team at FoodCloud have had a significant impact in tackling the twin issues of food waste and food insecurity to fight climate breakdown and poverty. Enterprise Ireland’s R&D funding will enable FoodCloud to further develop in its innovative food distribution platform, broaden its reach and deepen its impact.”

Jenny Melia, Executive Director at Enterprise Ireland, said: “Enterprise Ireland is investing in digital and climate resilience, and has backed FoodCloud since its early days. A leader in both digital innovation and the fight against climate change, as FoodCloud implements this research and development as part of its ambitious growth strategy, we are confident that the business will continue to accelerate impact and deliver tangible solutions to food businesses internationally.”

FoodCloud’s Head of Engineering James Clifford said: “This Enterprise Ireland Agile Innovation Fund grant marks a significant milestone for FoodCloud as we strive to accelerate the impact of food redistribution and cut food waste at scale through our Foodiverse technology. As of now, FoodCloud has redistributed more than 98,000 tonnes of surplus food through its technology platform and physical hubs, which amounts to 235 million meals and the reduction of more than 315,000 tonnes of CO2– equivalent.”


Pictured (L-R): Ann Keenan, Chairperson at FoodCloud; Jenny Melia, Executive Director at Enterprise Ireland; and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Simon Coveney, TD.

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