Emmi Caffe Latte Breaks 100 Million Record
Swiss dairy group Emmi sold more than 100 million cups of Emmi CAFFÈ LATTE worldwide for the first time in 2012, breaking a long-strived-for record. This is good news for Switzerland as all 100 million cups were produced in Ostermundigen, in the canton of Berne, using exclusively Swiss milk.
What started with an ambitious innovation by Emmi back in 2004 has now become a permanent product category in Swiss chiller cabinets: chilled coffee beverages. Since the launch, sales have increased by an average of over 10 % each year, with the result that in 2012, more than 100 million cups of Emmi CAFFÈ LATTE were sold worldwide for the first time. Two-thirds of these were sales outside of Switzerland. Emmi CAFFÈ LATTE is therefore a real export hit. The product is particularly popular in Germany, Austria, the UK and in Spain, where growth rates in 2012 were by far the highest.