Ebro to Invest €150 Million in Securing Further Sustainable Growth

Ebro Foods, the largest food group in Spain, the world leader in rice production and the second biggest global fresh and dry pasta manufacturer, has designed and launched a Global Sustainability Plan called RUMBO A 2030 (Heading towards 2030), setting out its goals and actions in the area of environment and health & social well-being to be developed by the group up to 2030, with the aim of continuing to grow sustainably. The group is to invest more than €150 million in developing this Plan.
Ebro designed the Plan after making an exhaustive analysis of its value chain, incorporating the expectations of all its stakeholders and identifying the Sustainable Development Goals in which it is able to make the greatest positive impact, thus focusing its commitment on three pillars of action: PEOPLE, HEALTHY EATING& WELL-BEING and THE PLANET.
With a view to reporting and making people aware of the progress achieved in each of these areas, Ebroa has set up the website CaringforYouandthePlanet.com.
The three fundamental areas of action contemplated in RUMBO A 2030 within THE PLANET pillar are: (1) guaranteeing the environmental efficiency of all the group’s operations; (2) mitigating and adjusting to the effects of climate change; and (3) ensuring the sustainability of the group’s principal raw materials. Accordingly, programmes are to be set up to:
– Reduce water consumption and increase the use of recycled and reused water
– Reuse and recover the waste generated at Ebro’s plants, with a view to achieve “ZERO WASTE”
– Eliminate the use of non-reusable plastics and see that 100% of Ebro’s packaging is recyclable or reusable
– Reduce the quantity of packaging materials and 100% paper and cardboard from forests managed in accordance with FSC/PFSC standards or recycled
– Optimise logistics and transport to reduce the group’s carbon footprint, increase energy efficiency to reduce emissions, mitigate the carbon footprint on crops and implement carbon offset projects
– Foster sustainable growing practices and animal welfare policies.
The goal set in the Plan is for 100% of raw materials to be environmentally, economically and socially sustainable by 2030 and 100% of Ebro’s suppliers to have acceded to the Group’s Supplier Code of Conduct or operate according to ESG policies.