

Dynamic Accumulation

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Dynamic Accumulation

Dynamic Accumulation
October 30
14:26 2012
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The AccuVeyor® AVD offers Dynamic Accumulation and saves valuable floor space. Its usable length can be expanded to overcome micro-stops and slowdowns on up or down stream equipment demands. The system has a simple and robust design that reduces investment and the cost of ownership. The AccuVeyor® is a true alternative for single lane or mass flow accumulation. Standard it only builds 2.6 meters in square. It can incorporate up to 140 meters of useful accumulation length up to 35,000 items per hour. This is sufficient for 2 to 10 minutes accumulation and represents the best footprint accumulation time ratio currently available. Stand number Brau Beviale: Hall 7, Stand 134, Stand number Emballage: Hall 4, Stand D 067.

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