

Dow to launch MOR-FREE™ L75-300 High Speed Lamination Adhesive

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Dow to launch MOR-FREE™ L75-300 High Speed Lamination Adhesive

Dow to launch MOR-FREE™ L75-300 High Speed Lamination Adhesive
December 17
09:32 2015
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Dow has announced the launch of the latest addition to its MOR-FREE™ portfolio. The new MOR-FREE™ L75-300 High Speed Lamination Adhesive is a 100% solid, bi-component polyurethane adhesive system, which further addresses the needs of today’s packaging industry offering high speed lamination, ease of handling and improved product stability in challenging weather conditions.

Suitable for a wide range of general purpose food packaging applications, such as dry pasta, snacks, and confectionery, MOR-FREE™ L75-300 offers advanced performance to help converters increase production output and improve operation costs.

“The launch of MOR-FREE™ L75-300 further enriches the MOR-FREE™ Solventless Adhesives portfolio, a product family designed to enable more efficient production and deliver greater value across the packaging value chain,” said Cristina Miotto, EMEA Marketing Manager for Laminating Adhesives. “As a high speed lamination adhesive solution, MOR-FREE™ L75-300 is yet another example of Dow’s commitment to deliver Science that Connects.”

“For partners within the packaging value chain, the MOR-FREE™ L75-300 is an innovative adhesive solution that delivers advanced performance. From easy processing to faster primary aromatic ammine decay compared to standard general performance adhesives, and enhanced product stability, the new MOR-FREE™ adhesive ultimately helps increase production outputs and improve operational costs,” continued Cristina Miotto.

For converters specifically, performance benefits of MOR-FREE™ L75-300 include high speed lamination, excellent wettability at high web speed, comfortable pot life stability, and easy processing, handling and cleaning. It has also been designed for challenging weather conditions, retaining product stability against a range of different temperature conditions.

“As an industry leader, Dow has the capabilities and technical expertise to drive collaboration across the value chain to address key market needs, such as food safety, enhanced functionality and production efficiencies,” said Thorsten Schmidt, Principle Scientist for Laminating Adhesives. “Dow is committed to deliver adhesives solutions which bring sustainable value creation and customer success. MOR-FREE™ L75-300 is a tangible illustration of this commitment and Dow’s ability to provide customers with efficient, higher performing products that provide a distinctive competitive position.”

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