Directorate Change at Stock Spirits
Stock Spirits Group, a leading spirits business in Central and Eastern Europe, has announced that Jack Keenan will step down from his position as Non-Executive Chairman and retire from the Board of Directors at the Company’s forthcoming AGM on May 19th 2015. Jack Keenan joined the Board as Non-Executive Chairman in 2008 and led the group as it grew to become one of the largest spirits companies in Central and Eastern Europe.
David Maloney, currently the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director (SID), will become Non-Executive Chairman of the Company at the AGM.
Jack Keenan says: “Having joined Stock in 2008 and been part of its transformation into a listed company, I now feel that the time is right to step down as Chairman. I leave the Company in the very capable hands of David Maloney. I wish everybody at Stock Spirits well for the future.”