Decentralised Periphery PDP20 meets PLe for series connected switches
Pilz Automation Technology has launched Decentralised Periphery PDP20 – meeting PLe for series connected switches
The new interface module PDP20 F 4 mag is ideal for series connection of safety switches, such as tongue interlocks or magnetic safety switches, up to PL e. As such, it provides a standard-compliant solution in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1. The interface module can be connected to dual-channel evaluation devices (such as the popular PNOZ safety relays, PNOZmulti configurable safety relays, PSS safety PLCs).
Up to 4 switches can be connected to each PDP20 module. PDP20 interface modules also offer a high level of decentralisation due to the ability to cascade modules.
Each module features 4 dual-channel inputs and 2 solid-state safe outputs (OSSDs), 1 diagnostic solid state output and 2 test pulsed outputs. To cascade multiple PDP20 modules, the OSSDs of one are fed into one of one of the dual-channel inputs of the next PDP20 module.
Costing less than a standard safety relay, PDP20 interface modules makes a compact and economical solution for series connections, which ultimately find their way back to a final safety relay or other safety controller.