

ConAgra Foods Removing PHOs Across Spreads

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ConAgra Foods Removing PHOs Across Spreads

June 14
11:20 2016
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butter-spreadsConAgra Foods has announced that it has discontinued the use of Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs) in the manufacturing of all spreads in the company’s portfolio. This includes Fleischmann’s, Blue Bonnet and Parkay.

In 2015, the FDA announced that food companies have three years to remove PHOs from food products unless the particular use of PHO is permitted by a food additive petition currently under review by FDA. ConAgra began transitioning away from PHOs in 2006 and says it has removed the vast majority from the company’s portfolio by using a variety of ingredients and preparation techniques that maintain the foods’ taste.

“Our goal is to continue to provide our consumers with great tasting food made with high-quality ingredients at reasonable prices,” said Colleen Bailey, brand director, ConAgra. “We are pleased to have removed PHO from our spreads well in advance of the FDA’s timeline.”

ConAgra Foods is aNorth America’s packaged food companies with recognized brands such as Marie Callender’s®, Healthy Choice®, Slim Jim®, Hebrew National®, Orville Redenbacher’s®, Peter Pan®, Reddi-wip®, PAM®, Snack Pack®, Banquet®, Chef Boyardee®, Egg Beaters®, Hunt’s® and many other ConAgra Foods brands found in grocery, convenience, mass merchandise and club stores.

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