Over 200 experts from across the food contact industry will come together in Berlin, Germany from 4–7 December 2017 to attend Smithers Pira’s Plastics & Paper in Contact with Foodstuffs
Market-leading Food Contact Conference, Plastics & Paper in Contact with Food – 4-7 December, Berlin
Leading sugar and health expert group Action on Sugar, based at Queen Mary University of London, is calling for colour-coded ‘traffic light’ front of pack (FOP)1 nutrition labelling to be introduced
The final approval of a Codex Alimentarius international standard for dairy permeate powder has been given a warm welcome by Arla Foods Ingredients, one of the world’s leading permeate producers.
The European response to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) after the crisis of the 1980s has significantly reduced prevalence of the disease in cattle. However, isolated cases are still being reported
EFSA has established a safe intake level for glutamic acid and glutamates used as food additives after re-evaluating their safety. The Authority also concluded that estimated dietary exposure to glutamic
The exceptional measures already in place to help producers of perishable fruits affected by the ban on imports imposed by the Russian authorities have been extended for a further year
Existing safe levels for nitrites and nitrates intentionally added to meat and other foods are sufficiently protective for consumers, EFSA has concluded after re-evaluating their safety. Consumer exposure to nitrites
Revision is ongoing for ISO 22000 on food safety management systems, which has just reached the Draft International Standard (DIS) stage. The revised standard will incorporate a new core structure as well as
More efforts are needed if the EU is to have an effective fisheries control system in place, according to a new report from the European Court of Auditors. The auditors
The European Commission has expanded the global fight against illegal fishing by listing Saint Vincent & the Grenadines and the Comoros as uncooperative. Under the EU’s rules to fight and deter illegal,
MEPs are supporting efforts to halve food waste in the EU by 2030, by lifting existing restrictions on food donations and eliminating confusion about ‘best before’ and ‘use by’ labels.
The European Council has adopted a regulation aimed at improving the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector. The new rules are designed to simplify and strengthen
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on how excise duties are applied to alcohol and alcoholic beverages (‘excise duty structures’). EU excise duty rules for alcohol aim to prevent trade distortions in
EU regulations on health claims on food are complex but navigable, a study into food regulations has found. The study, led by Professor Monique Raats at the University of Surrey,
Food and Drink Industry Ireland (FDII), the Ibec group, has said the increased likelihood of a hard and disruptive Brexit, and a fracture of the single market demands a series
Plans to tighten up official food inspections, from farm to fork, have been adopted by the European Parliament. The new rules, already informally agreed by MEPs and the Council, aims
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has proposed a simplified approach to food safety management in small retail businesses such as grocery shops, butchers, and bakeries. The approach includes guidelines
The Food and Drink Federation – the voice of UK manufacturers – has welcomed the release of new Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) rules banning the advertising of high fat,
The European Commission has published the second report on the operation of the so-called Milk Package, a series of measures launched in 2012 to strengthen the position of European dairy
North Sea cod fishermen will be able to land every catch – not just cod – more easily following the European Parliament’s recent decision. The updated regulation will remove limits
British Frozen Food Federation, the voice of the UK’s £8 billion frozen food industry, has called for the Government to deliver on its food export strategy as quickly as possible. The
The EU fisheries ministers have agreed on fishing limits (or Total Allowable Catches) for 19 deep-sea stocks for 2017 and 2018. It is the first time in six years that
At least 50% of alcohol sold in Scotland does not meet the impending minimum price legislation. Spirits will be the
In preparation for the December Fisheries Council, where EU Member States will negotiate fishing quotas in the Atlantic and North
Portugal has become the latest country to introduce a tax on sugary soft drinks, as its Government unveiled plans to
EU-wide safety rules are needed for more materials in contact with food, such as those used in packaging, kitchen utensils
The EU has requested the establishment of a WTO panel to rule on a dispute concerning Colombia’s discriminatory treatment of
The Irish Beverage Council (IBC), the Ibec group that represents companies that produce, distribute and market soft drinks, juices, bottled
Since UK voters decided that the UK should leave the European Union, the Scotch Whisky Association has been busy consulting
The UK’s top ten supermarkets have all acted on issues raised by the Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) and suppliers are
The EU multiannual plan for managing Baltic Sea cod, sprat and herring stocks has been approved by the European Parliament.
Leatherhead Food Research is addressing uncertainty over challenging global regulations for soft drinks and fruit juices with a bespoke industry
A strong traceability system for all fishery products sold in EU restaurants and shops would help to prevent cases of
The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission has begun its role as enforcer of the new Grocery Regulations, following the publication