

BioAmp offers high efficiency wastewater treatment at less cost

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BioAmp offers high efficiency wastewater treatment at less cost

October 16
09:29 2011
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BioAmp is a revolutionary system that solves a range of wastewater problems and at the same time brings considerable cost savings to abattoirs, food processing factories, dairies and breweries

This latest version of BioAmp features temperature control to maximise microbial growth that will deliver consistent results.

BioAmp is a unique, computer controlled microbial fermentation unit that is installed on site and delivers a large amount of active, naturally occurring bacteria directly into the waste water stream.

The bacteria then goes to work on the wastewater, reducing grease, fats and oils build-up, as well as eliminating odours. It is ideal for use on grease traps, septic tanks and sewage treatments at far less cost than other bacteria based systems.

The BioAmp system can deliver 30 trillion live bacteria every 24-hours. The BioAmp system is 1000 times more powerful at one-tenth the cost of dry powder or liquid bacterial formulations. It enables wastewater problems to be solved in-house, enabling compliance with European Directives and local regulations. The system has US National Sanitation Foundation approval (NSF).

Many Governments and local authorities have introduced stringent requirements on wastewater purity for industrial and commercial facilities, involving surcharges and fines for those who do not meet the standards required. BioAmp speeds and amplifies the natural breakdown of organic waste, including soluble BOD, TSS, ammonia and FOG, transforming highly polluted wastewater to acceptable levels.

BioAmp’s unique technology can bring savings of thousands of pounds per year by reducing surcharges, fines and energy costs for businesses and other organisations. Because the system is supplied and maintained on a monthly fee basis, there is no capital equipment investment required. It can normally be incorporated into existing drainage systems without the need for modifications.

BioAmp converts Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) to CO2 and H2O and reduces the amount of off-site sludge disposal. It lowers energy consumption, conserves water and can replace harmful chemicals, making it a vital part of any environmental improvement programme. It can also help companies achieve ISO 14,001 Certification and enhance the IPPC directive.

BioAmp presents one of those rare opportunities when solving an environmental problem has an immediate and measurable impact, needs no large capital investment and brings with it a sizeable cost reduction.

BioAmp is produced and supplied by BioHygenic, which is an NCH company.

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