

Arjuna invests in curcumin research

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Arjuna invests in curcumin research

March 24
10:42 2016
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curcuminArjuna is investing more than 10% of its total turnover in a clinical research program to explore the health benefits of its turmeric curcumin, a potent antioxidant, and other new healthy ingredients, all to be launched in 2016. This includes a total investment of more than US$1.5 million in studies on curcumin alone.

Extensive research is being conducted in leading universities and institutes in India, Australia, Italy, the US and Japan on BCM-95, Arjuna’s all-natural curcumin. Twelve clinical studies of turmeric curcumin, covering a range of conditions that include depression, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and others, are ongoing. Arjuna holds 12 patents for BCM-95 worldwide, and has several additional patents pending.

“We differentiate our turmeric curcumin through a practice of extensive research and development,” said Benny Antony, PhD, Joint Managing Director for Arjuna. “BCM-95 is the most researched bioavailable curcumin on the market, with a majority share in the US.”

Arjuna’s curcumin is said to be highly bioavailable thanks to the synergism between the curcumin and the compound ar-turmerone, an essential oil component of turmeric. The patented formulation method, produced in Arjuna’s own facility, involves extracting the maximum amount of free curcumin, without synthetic additives. All raw materials used are completely traceable. According to Arjuna, this ensures BCM-95 is the most trusted bioavailable source of curcumin. Two dozen studies support the health benefits of BCM-95 Curcumin extract.

“Arjuna meets the new European 2015/1933 PAH regulation that sets maximum levels of PAHs in food supplements,” said Antony. “This bioactive ingredient is clean of pesticides and heavy metals. Arjuna invested in the most advanced quality control equipment to meet the new EU regulations, and to ensure all products are clean and safe. The growing global demand for curcumin, and consumer expectations of pure formulations, encouraged Arjuna to develop a clean, GMO-free ingredient that consumers can trust.”

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