
Unilever Takes Measures to Help Fight Against Covid-19

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Unilever Takes Measures to Help Fight Against Covid-19

Unilever Takes Measures to Help Fight Against Covid-19
March 26
12:03 2020
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Unilever has announced a wide-ranging set of measures to support global and national efforts to tackle the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. The company’s actions are designed to help protect the lives and livelihoods of its multiple stakeholders – including its consumers and communities, its customers and suppliers, and its workforce.

Unilever will contribute €100 million to help the fight against the pandemic through donations of soap, sanitiser, bleach and food. This includes:

  • A product donation of soaps and sanitiser of at least €50 million to the COVID Action Platform of the World Economic Forum, which is supporting global health organisations and agencies with their response to the emergency. In addition to the supply of soap, Unilever will adapt its current manufacturing lines to produce sanitiser for use in hospitals, schools and other institutional settings.
  • Product donations, partnerships and handwashing education programmes, delivered through national health authorities and NGOs, to support local communities most at need.

Customers and suppliers

Unilever will offer €500 million of cash flow relief to support livelihoods across its extended value chain, through:

  • Early payment for our most vulnerable small and medium sized suppliers, to help them with financial liquidity.
  • Extending credit to selected small-scale retail customers whose business relies on Unilever, to help them manage and protect jobs.


Unilever will protect its workforce from sudden drops in pay, as a result of market disruption or being unable to perform their role, for up to three months. We will cover our employees, contractors and others who we manage or who work on our sites, on a full or part-time basis. This will apply to workers not already covered by government plans or by their direct employer.

Alan Jope, chief executive of Unilever, says: “We are deeply saddened by the terrible impact that coronavirus is wreaking on lives and livelihoods everywhere. The world is facing its greatest trial in decades. We have seen the most incredible response from the Unilever team so far, especially those on the front line of our operations in factories, distribution centres and stores.“We hope that our donation of €100 million of soap, sanitiser, bleach and food will make a significant contribution towards protecting people’s lives, and that by helping to safeguard our workers’ incomes and jobs, we are giving some peace of mind during these uncertain times. Our strong cash flow and balance sheet mean that we can, and should, give this additional support.”

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